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Writer's pictureMelanie Haid

Top 25 Video Marketing Stats You Need to Know

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

This article was originally published to zipperHQ here by Melanie Haid.


It’s no secret that video has taken the world by storm, both asynchronously and over video conferencing platforms – especially this past year. But video is used in so much more than you might initially think, and there are tons of creative uses that are perfect for connecting with your audience on social media, new and old clients, and more! These video statistics from the past few years are every reason why you should start integrating it as part of your marketing strategy ASAP.

1. Video is #1

Video is the top-rated way that customers discovered a brand that they later bought a product or service from, according to Animoto’s 2020 report. That’s a pretty effective way of getting your product or service out there and getting results!

2. 91% of marketers are satisfied with video ROI

Animoto also reported in 2020 that 91% of marketers who use video marketing were satisfied with the ROI (Return of Investment) on social media when they used video. Videos you make can always be repurposed for multiple platforms.

3. 85% of businesses use video

In 2021, the majority of businesses use video as a marketing tool, according to Optin Monster. And, with the popularity of using video this way, we wouldn’t be surprised if this number continued to increase.

4. Video is more likely to be reshared than images

Twitter reported that videos on Twitter are six times more likely to be retweeted than photos. This means that tweeting your videos, as well as posting them on social media versus still images, has a good chance of giving you better reach!

5. Video helps you get leads

A whopping 83% of marketers found that videos helped them with lead generation, according to Wyzowl. If that’s just leads, imagine how many more sales you can get using video!

6. Over half of businesses are creating more video

70% of businesses surveyed by Animoto reported that they were creating more videos last year than they were at the same time in 2019. Video is only getting more and more popular as time goes on, and companies are taking note.

7. Video has a direct link to returning customers

One company, Tiger Fitness, reported that video marketing allowed them to achieve a 60% returning customer rate, according to Marketing Sherpa. This is three times the norm for their industry, and video is the solution to making that happen!

8. Customers prefer video over text

Wyzowl reported that 66% of customers actually prefer watching a video about a product rather than reading about it. Video emailing platforms like zipperHQ offer an effective way to use both and get the most retention from your message.

9. Viewers remember your message

Viewers of video retain 95% of a message, compared to only 10% when reading it in a text format, according to a 2016 Insivia report. This is a huge difference, especially when you need to get important information across, and video is a surefire way to help you do that more effectively.

10. Almost all marketers are spending money on video

Marketers are putting their money where their results are: 96% of marketers surveyed in 2020 spent money on video. If only four percent aren’t doing it, there has to be something about video that makes it an effective marketing strategy (actually, there’s a lot!).

11. The majority of marketers say video has directly increased sales

80% of video marketers reported to Optin Monster that video has been a direct link in helping increase sales – that’s a majority success rate in using video that almost guarantees the ability of video to help increase your sales (or, at the very least, help build your marketing strategy!).

12. Tone is important too!

A 2017 Wyzowl study showed that tone matters when customers are watching video. 83% of customers reported that they prefer a tone that is informal – even “chatty.” This is great too, because it allows you to be more genuine and yourself when sending a video with zipperHQ!

13. A third of online users are watching videos

Videos are, simply put, a fun media to consume, and take a lot less work to digest than reading multiple paragraphs of information. In Video reported that one-third of all online activity is spent watching videos – out of the 312.32 million Americans that use the Internet, that’s a lot of people consuming video.

14. The majority of marketers say video is an effective way to grab attention

Whether you’re using it to introduce yourself or your company or using it to follow up, video is a great tool to get your client’s attention. In fact, 85% of marketers in Animoto’s 2020 survey felt that it is an effective method for doing just that. Sounds like a good time to try out zipperHQ’s video dashboard to get in touch with that client you’ve been meaning to follow up with…

15. Companies are spending more and more on video

Digital video budgets are being increased by companies by 25% year over year, according to a 2019 AIB (International Advertising Bureau) report. More money and time are being spent on videos and investing in videos for marketing, so what’s holding you back from using it?

16. Video is more likely to push people to buy

Videos, when done right and done well, can seal the deal when it comes to giving someone that extra push to buy a product, invest in a service, and more. It does wonders for marketing

– 84% of people say that watching a brand’s video has convinced them to purchase a product or service.

17. More video = more revenue

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to incorporate video in your sales processes, know that you don’t have much to lose: tools like zipperHQ are free to use! A WordStream study found that marketers who use video grew revenue 49% faster than marketers who didn’t use video.

18. Viewers love video

Videos really are effective: viewers spend 100% more time on pages with videos on them, according to Marketing Sherpa. It’s great for traffic, and a great way to get new and old clients to listen to your message!

19. Video is perfect for business

You’re likely checking your business-related emails on your computer, making you part of the 86% of people who view business-related videos on their desktop versus their mobile phones. A great way to combine the two? Use zipperHQ to send email videos to your clients!

20. People spend over an hour a day watching online video

In 2021, InVideo found that the average person spends roughly 100 minutes per day watching online videos – so why can’t your video message be part of those 100 minutes? People are already where you need them for video messaging to work, now all you have to do is hit send.

21. Personalization is key

You can easily send personalized videos with zipperHQ, and it turns out, that’s a really important part of retaining viewers. Videos that are personalized are 35% more likely to hold a viewer’s attention versus videos that are more generic. Authenticity is essential either way!

22. Video increases website traffic

Whether you’re posting it on social media or using video in your email messages, video has proven to get more people clicking on your website. 87% of video marketers found that using video has generally increased the number of people who visit their site, according to Optin Monster.

23. Video content is a consumer-favorite

Animoto reports that video content is a favorite among consumers – it is the number one favorite type of content that they enjoy seeing from brands. Stumped on what your clients and customers want to see? (P.s. – it’s video!)

24. Customers want more video content from brands!

Your existing customers want to see more videos from you! Hubspot reported that 54% of customers said that they want to see more video content from brands or businesses that they already support – so imagine how many of your soon-to-be customers want to see that as well!

25. Videos give people a better understanding of your company

A Wyzowl study from 2021 found that 94% of users say video has helped them increase their understanding of a product or service. Sometimes, it’s easier to show and tell, rather than just tell – services like zipperHQ’s (free) Chrome extension allow you to record your screen and do just that! Video is a great way to answer FAQs or just explain your service to new and existing clients.

Video, simply put, is the future of marketing. From the boom of Tiktok, a fully video-based app, which has been downloaded over 2 billion times, to the increased dependence of marketers on video digitally and on social media, it pulls people in and holds their attention as few other mediums do. Not to mention that platforms like zipperHQ make it simple to integrate video into your marketing strategy in a genuine and easy-to-use way.

If these video statistics don’t have you grabbing your camera and hitting record – well, what are you waiting for?


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